English is the most important language in today’s world, Everything is in English, all entertainments are in English, Every company requires employees with fluent English, as all the business meetings held in English.
Maybe this is the reason it is the most used language in the world within 7.5 billion people 1.2 billion speak English which is 20% of the world population, 360 million people speak English as there first language.
You can’t generate interest in any language overnight you need to practice it on a regular basis for some days so, there are few ways which will help you in generating interest in the English language

Ways to generate interest in english:# start reading novels based on moviesThe best way to generate in something is doing it, if you want to generate interest in something you have to do it, like in dancing you have to practice for some time, same in this case you need to start reading books or blogs on random or on the topics you are interested in.Maybe reading interesting topics will generate your interest in English.# Write blogs on topic of your interestOne of the best ways to create interest in English is to write on blogs on platforms like Medium or on quora. while writing on your favorite topics you might create interest in English.

# listen to songs of particular language you want to improveListen to english songs, it will definitely help you to create interest in English, it also helped me in generating my interest in English.

# watch English movies or Series on netflixWatching movies is the best entertainment of all time, all the masterpieces in the world are in English, Hollywood movies are famous all over the world, in India also people are a fan of marvel, etc.# Don’t worry about mistakes, just keep goingDon’t worry about a mistake while speaking, if you worry about the mistake , you are never gonna generate interest in English.
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“Importance of Best language in the world”
# English creates new opportunities in people lives
Knowing English opens up new opportunities for you, as English is required nowadays, every employer needs his employees to be fluent in English.

# Helps you getting admission in the college of your choice
Knowing English will help you in getting admission in any reputed college or school, every reputed college takes interviews to check communication skills of students before giving them admission and they held in English.

# Most movies and series are in English
Speaking English gives you access to the world of entertainment as all the best movies and web series are in English and if you are not aware of English, you are gonna miss the fun of watching these masterpieces.

# USE A MIRROR FOR IMPROVING BODY LANGUAGEBest way to improve your English skills is to speak on random topic continuously and on regular basis, stand in front of the mirror for 2 3 minutes and speak on some random topic, it will boost your confidence.# Eliminate fear of rejectionEveryone has a fear of rejection but some people take it very seriously and hesitate to speak up their views in public, so eliminate the fear of rejection and speak openly.Join institute — You can also join some good institute, yes they really help a lot to improve your skills.So, Work hard to improve your English skills for a better future.
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